dogs = [["Buffy", "Poodle", "Brown"], ["Sally", "Pug", "White"], ["Jeremy", "Spaniel", "Black"], ["Fenton", "Labrador", "Brown"]] print(dogs[2][1]) #Jeremy print(dogs[3]) #["Fenton", "Labrador", "Brown"] print(dogs[2][2]) #Black #dogs[0][0]? #dogs[2][3]? input() #iterate over the array to print all the names for aDog in dogs: print(aDog[0]) input() #look for brown dogs for aDog in dogs: if aDog[2] == "Brown": print(aDog[0] + " is Brown") else: print(aDog[0] + " is not Brown") input() #another way to iterate for i in range(0, len(dogs)): for j in range(0, len(dogs[i])): print(dogs[i][j])