#Escape room program print("Escape Room") print() #Get the player's name print("What is your name adventurer?") player = input("> ") print("Hello " + player + ". Welcome to the Escape Room.") print() #Print the description print("It's dark") print("The room smells damp and dusty") print("You hear the slow drip, drip, drip of water") print("And in the distance something scuttles rapidly...") #First action print("It's dark. What do you want to do?") action = input("> ").lower() #Keep asking the question using move_on move_on = False #Riddle one - it's dark while move_on == False: if action == "light": print("You turn the light on. There is a door in the north wall") move_on = True else: print("It's too dark to do that") print("Do you want a hint? (Y/N)") hint = input("> ").upper() if hint == "Y": print("Try typing 'light' to get a light on") print("What do you want to do?") action = input("> ").lower() #Riddle 2 - the door move_on = False while move_on == False: print("What do you want to do next?") action = input("> ").lower() if action == "open": print("You can't open the door") elif action == "look": print("There's a note on the door. It says Speak Friend and Enter") print("It's a riddle") elif action == "friend" or action == "say friend" or action == "speak friend": print("The door swings open") move_on = True else: print("You can't do that") print("What do you want to do?") action = input("> ").lower()