That Blue Square Thing

Do now taskPDF icon

Knowledge organiserPDF icon

Connecting micro:bitsPDF icon

Year 8 Computing – Programming with Microbits

The Dice Challenge

We need to come back to this first...

PDF iconChallenge 4 – two (or more) dice

You can use the block editor for each of these.

> The microbit block editor – use this link to get to the editor

Screenshot your program and write about it to say what it does.

Using the Python editor

PDF iconSlide from class

The block editor is simple. We can use the Python editor instead. This is much more powerful.

> The Python editor – use this link to get to the editor

PDF iconFirst Python task slide

PDF iconUsing the Python editor – instructions

PDF iconHere's a solution if you need it

Looping with Python

A loop is a way of repeating a block of code more than once. It's really helpful to do this.

PDF iconAnimals challenge

PDF iconHow to repeat code

PDF iconMicroPython images – all of the built-in images you can use