That Blue Square Thing

This is an archived page. It's probably got quite a lot of old stuff on it and may be quite out of date.

Comic Book ProjectStyles in Photoshop

These are the resources I used to try to create a simple comic strip with some children in a very short amount of time. It needs work, but has some potential.

1 – the idea

PDF iconAbout comic books

PDF iconThe task

2 – speech

PDF iconUsing text

3 – genres

PDF iconGenres of comic books

PDF iconPlanning task

4 – making

PDF iconA suggested workflow

Some templates to use.

three frame comic layout four frame comic layout three odd frame comic layout three odd frame comic layout

And a markgrid.

PDF iconMarkgrid

Comic Book Layouts

Different layouts may be useful for someone so I'll add this back in as well.

HINT: you'd be best off creating each of the individual images you want to use first and saving them. Then you bring them together in the final comic page.

There are a variety of different layouts. These are PNG images with transparant sections. Use them in Photoshop to add to the top of the layer stack - so they sit on top of your comic book images.

Click to enlarge the image and then right click to download the PNG version. Don't download the thumbnail - that really won't work...

five frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail

five frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail six frame comic book layout thumbnail

These templates are all 170mm wide and 260mm high. This seems to be the standard sort of size for a comic book page. They are also all 300 pixels per inch. This means that you will need to use large, high quality images to fill them. Small ones simply won't do.

If you want to make more than one page it's best to make them as totally separate Photoshop documents.

Create your own comic book layouts

If you want to create your own layout, you can do so using the Photoshop file below. I've even done instructions for you - because I'm nice.

Photoshop iconComic frames file - you'll need to save this file

PDF iconHow to add frames

The Comic Frames file is 170mm wide and 260mm high. This seems to be the standard sort of size for a comic book page. It is a 300 pixels per inch file. This means that you will need to use large, high quality images. Small ones simply won't do.