That Blue Square Thing

This is an archived page. It's probably got quite a lot of old stuff on it and may be quite out of date.

TRAP Website Project

The Tropical Rainforest Action Project (TRAP) needs a website. Just a small one. But this project uses serious amounts of graphics.

PDF iconThe project brief

Note that this project has resources for Serif WebPlus. That's a long gone piece of software that hopefully I won't be using any longer. It can be adapted for Dreamweaver (or any other WYSIWYG software that can handle image maps) easily enough.

Webpage Setup

You need to set up your website properly.

PDF iconSetting up the website - it's important to do this right.

You need to create a banner for the top of the page. This needs to include the TRAP logo.

PDF iconMaking a banner instructions (Photoshop)

Image iconTRAP logo - download this to use it

Information and images

Getting really good quality images is really easy, when you know how.

Wikimedia commons is a good starting point:

The free images page has loads more places to get high-quality, free images from.

Homepage Graphics

You'll need to use this image for the background on the homepage.

Image iconBackground image - download this to use it

You'll also want some social media icons. These ones are easy to use:

Image iconFacebook logo - download this to use it

Image iconInstagram logo - download this to use it

Image iconMail logo - download this to use it

Image iconSnapchat logo - download this to use it

Image iconTumblr logo - download this to use it

Image iconTwitter logo - download this to use it