Syllabus content:
Unit 2 content – PDF doc to download
Note: this syllabus content is a slightly amended version of the one published freely on the web by AQA. I have made very minor adjustments to remove some content less suitable for students to use and it is presented here simply to allow the children I teach to download a usable copy of the syllabus content. It is copyright AQA and reproduced here simply to make access easier for students. No attempt to claim copyright is being made, although I could have copied the text into my own interpretation...
AQA Computer Science GCSE
This page is up to date for the AQA 8525 syllabus for exams from 2022.
Programming Concepts
This unit develops the key programming ideas that are needed in both the Paper 1 exam and in the Programming Project.
Don't forget that in the exam you will be given pseudocode. You need to be able to read pseudocode and understand what it means.
Core Concepts:
The three fundamentals of programming are:
- Sequence – getting things in order
- Selection – making choices
- Iteration/Repetition – repeating things
The three fundamentals – basic definitions